Selection Algorithms

Details of the Selection Step

The selection step, encoded in a user defined selection! function, is the essential element of WE. It is designed to ensure that the results of WE are unbiased and work to reduce the variance of some QoI.

Generically, when we call selection!(E, B, t), at algorthmic step t, we advance from $\{(\omega_t^i, \xi_t^i\}$ (before selection) to $\{(\hat{\omega}_t^i, \hat{\xi}_t^i\}$ (after selection).

For algorithmic consistency and numerical stability, the selection step typically includes the following two conditions:

  • Every non-empty bin must have at least one offspring. Thus, if $u_p$ is occupied before selection (there exists $i$ such that $\xi_t^i \in u_p$), then after selection, there exists $\hat{i}$ such that $\hat{\xi}_t^{\hat{i}} \in u_p$. Hence, if we have a total of $N$ particles, and $K$ nonempty bins, we immediately allocate 1 particle to each of the nonempty bins, and then must allocate the remaining $N-K$ particles.
  • If the total mass in a bin falls beneath some threshold, $\nu_t^p \leq \nu_{\min}$, then the number of offspring of that bin equals the number of particles currently in the bin:

    \[n_t^p = \sum_{\xi_t^i \in \mathcal{B}_p} 1 = \sum_{\hat{\xi}_t^i \in \mathcal{B}_p}1\]

    This is neccessary to avoid floating point underflow issues.

These steps are both handled by minimal_bin_allocation!(E, B). After this step is completed, the remaining particles are allocated to the bins, then particles are allocated within each bin, and, finally, repopulate!(E, B) is called, which assigns $\{(\hat{\omega}_t^i, \hat{\xi}_t^i)\}$, storing them in E.ξ̂ and E.ω̂.

Indeed, the typical user defined selection step is the composition of some number of allocation steps, discussed in Allocation Algorithms, which determine the target number of particles within each bin, and the, within each bin, target number of offspring of each particle. This is followed by the repopulate! step, which actually duplicates particles as appropriate. We have included several resampling schemes that are invoked by the allocation functions; see Resampling Algorithms.

As several of the included selection routines show, one may include additional arguments. But when the selection! step is used to define a WEsampler structure, it must be such that it only takes as arguments (E,B,t). For instance, if we want to use targeted_selection!, we need to define a target function,

selection! = (E, B, t) -> targeted_selection!(E, B, G, t);
sampler = WEsampler(mutation!, selection!, rebin!); # mutation! and rebin! defined elsewhere

Selection Methods

uniform_selection!(E, B, t; allocation_resampler=systematic, within_bin_resampler=multinomial, νmin=νmin)

Uniformly select particles, ensuring each bin with positive bin weight has at least one offspring.


  • E - particle ensemble
  • B - bin data structure
  • t - t-th seletion step

Optional Arguments

  • allocation_resampler=systematic - resampling scheme amongst bins
  • within_bin_resampler=multinomial - resampling scheme within bins
  • νmin=νmin - minimal bin weight to avoid underflow

Uniform selection is suboptimal (in the sense of variance reduction), but provided there are a sufficient number of bins and particles, it can often provide quite satisfactory results. It has the advantage of being very straightforward to implement.

optimal_selection!(E, B, v², t; allocation_resampler=systematic, within_bin_resampler=multinomial, νmin=νmin))

Perform optimal selection of the particles, ensuring each non empty bin has at least one particle.


  • E - particle ensemble
  • B - bin data structure
  • - v² variance function estimator
  • t - t-th seletion step

Optional Arguments

  • allocation_resampler=systematic - resampling scheme amongst bins
  • within_bin_resampler=multinomial - resampling scheme within bins
  • νmin=νmin - minimal bin weight to avoid underflow

Optimal selection is taken from Aristoff & Zuckerman (2020), where particles are allocated to bins according to

\[\frac{C_t(u)}{N} \propto \nu_t \sqrt{\sum_{\xi_t^i\mid i\in u}\frac{\omega_t^i}{\nu_t}v^2(\xi_t^i,t)}\]

For steady state problems

\[v^2(\xi, t) = v^2(\xi) =\mathrm{Var}_{K(\xi,\bullet)}(h),\]

where $h$ solves the Poisson equation,

\[(I-K)h = f - \mu(f).\]

This of course, must be estimated, and tools are provided for this in Coarse Models

targeted_selection!(E, B, G, t; ; allocation_resampler=systematic, within_bin_resampler=multinomial, νmin=νmin))

Perform targeted selection of the particles, ensuring each non empty bin has at least one particle.


  • E - particle ensemble
  • B - bin data structure
  • G(p, E, B, t) - target function, applied to bin index p
  • t - t-th seletion step

Optional Arguments

  • allocation_resampler=systematic - resampling scheme amongst bins
  • within_bin_resampler=multinomial - resampling scheme within bins
  • νmin=νmin - minimal bin weight to avoid underflow

Targeted selection allows one steer bin allocation according to the rule

\[\frac{C_t(u)}{N} \propto G(u)\]

where the target function, $G$, is of the form G(p, E, B, t), with bin index p.

static_selection!(E, B, n_static, t; within_bin_resampler=multinomial, νmin=νmin)

Select particles according to a static allocation rule.


  • E - particle ensemble
  • B - bin data structure
  • n_static - array of predetermined bin allocation numbers
  • t - t-th seletion step

Optional Arguments

  • within_bin_resampler=multinomial - resampling scheme within bins
  • νmin=νmin - minimal bin weight to avoid underflow

Static selection allows one to predetermine the target number of particles in each bin by providing a vector n_static. It is assumed n_static[i]>0 and sum(n_static)≤N. It may be that fewer than N particles are allocated. In this case, some of the offspring will be given zero mass.

This a convenience tool built in which $\{(\omega_t^i, \xi_t^i\}=\{(\hat{\omega}_t^i, \hat{\xi}_t^i\}$. It can be useful when benchmarking against the non-interacting particle system case.