
The mutation step is the user defined function corresponding to one step of a (time-independent) Markov chain, $X_{k+1}\sim K(X_k,\bullet)$. This should be coded as an in place transform, mutation!, such that one can execute


Molecular Dynamics Exmaple

The following example formats one time step of the Euler-Maruyama molecular dynamics (MD) integrator in a way that it can be used with WeightedEnsemble. This employs the BasicMD package. Here, we discretize the SDE,

\[dX_t = -\nabla V(X_t)dt + \sqrt{2\beta^{-1}}dW_t,\]

with time step $Δt$, and then take n steps of it to correspond to one step of the Markov chain:

sampler = EM(gradV!, β, Δt);
opts = MDOptions(n_iters = n);
mutation! = x -> sample_trajectory!(x, sampler, options = opts);

In a slight abuse of notation, the Markov chain, $(X_k)$ that is used within WE corresponds to the skeleton of the continuous in time process, $(X_{k n \Delta t })$.