Nonequilibrium Sampling

These exmaples involve sampling from a nonequilbrium distribution. They are particularly focused on computing the mean firest passage time (MFPT) via the Hill relation [6]; see, also,

The Hill Relation

Consider the case of a discrete in time process, $X_t$, and two sets, $A$ and $B$. We wish to compute the mean first passage time for the process, starting in $A$ to reach $B$. One way of doing this would be sample initial conditions in $A$ (this distribution, $\mu_0$, must be specified), and run them until they reach $B$. But if the MFPT is long, it will be computationally prohibitive to observe enough transitions to obtain a statistically meaningful estimate.

Now, we study an augmented processs, $Y_t$, where $Y_t$ obeys the same dynamics as $X_t$ until it reaches $B$, at which point it resets in $A$. Denote the steady state distribution of the $Y_t$ process by $\nu$ The the Hill relation then says

\[\frac{1}{\text{MFPT for $X_\cdot$}} = \mathbb{P}_\nu(B)\]

Consequently, large MFPT's correspond to low probability events; some form of importance sampling will be needed. This is precisely the regime where WE can pay off. We will simulate the augmented process and estimate $\mathbb{P}_\nu(B)$ using the we with the observable $1_B(y)$.

To connect this to the continuous time case, frequently of interest, let us assume that $X_t$ follows overdamped Langevin dynamics

\[dX_t = -\nabla V(X_t)dt + \sqrt{2\beta^{-1}}dW_t,\]

The MFPT for this problem is computed first by solving the Poisson equation,

\[L\tau_B = 0, \quad \tau_B|_{\partial B} = 0,\]

and then computing

\[\text{MFPT $A\to B$} = \mathbb{E}_{\mu_0}[\tau_B(X)].\]

In the event that $A=\{x_0\}$, as it will be in the computational example, this is just $\tau_B(x_0)$. As this Poisson problem will typically be in high dimension, solving it via classical methods is not feasable.

The associated $Y_t$, obeys this the overdamped Langevin equation until it hits $\partial B$, at which point it instantaneously retarts in $A$ acoording ot the initial distribution $\mu_0(dx) = \gamma_0(x)dx$. The modified process obeys the nonlocal Fokker-Planck equation:

\[\partial_t \rho = L^\ast ρ + \gamma_0(x)\int_{\partial B}J_{\rho}\cdot n dS.\]

In the above expression, $\int_{\partial B}J_{\rho}\cdot n dS$ is the integrated probability flux into the set $B$. This has an associated noequilibrium steady state distribution (NESS).

To set this up to work with WE, we time discretize our process, $\tilde{X}_{k}\approx X_{t_k}$ in some fashion and work with the associated augmented process (recylcing upon reaching $B$), $\tilde{Y}_k$. The estimate of the MFPT of the original process is then

\[\text{MFPT}\approx \frac{\Delta t}{\tilde{\nu}(B)}.\]

Indeed, this is approximate even without statistical error because we have lost information on the sub $\Delta t$ time scale. But this error will typically be small in comparison to the aforementioned statistical error.

Doublewell Example

Following the equilibrium example, let us first compute, via ODE methods, the NESS along with the MFPT. Here, we will take $B = [b,\infty)$, with b=0.5 and $\mu_0 =\delta_{x_0}$, with x0 = -1. Thus, we are estimating the MFPT for a trajecotry, starting in the left basin to ge into the "heart" of the right basin. As we do not compute on an infinite domain, we impose a Neumann (reflecting) boundary condition at $x=a<x_0$ with a=-2 in the example. For low enough temperature, this is a good approximation.

ODE Results

For later comparison, we illustrate the results that are obtained usine ODE methods. The NESS density can be obtained by integration:

using QuadGK
using TestLandscapes
using Plots

β = 10.0;
V_ode(x) = SymmetricDoubleWell(x);
x0 = -1.0;
a = -2;
b = 0.5;

C0 = quadgk(t -> exp(β * V_ode(t)), x0, b)[1];
function f_(x)
    if (x < x0)
        return C0 * exp(-β * V_ode(x))
        return quadgk(t -> exp(β * V_ode(t)), x, b)[1] * exp(-β * V_ode(x))
Z = quadgk(f_, a, b)[1];
xx = LinRange(a, b, 200);
ρ = f_.(xx) / Z;

plot(xx, ρ, label="Density",lw=2)
Example block output

For the MFPT, we use BVPProblem from BoundaryValueDiffEq:

using BoundaryValueDiffEq
using ForwardDiff

∇V_ode = x->ForwardDiff.derivative(V_ode, x);

function τ_rhs!(du, u, p, t)
    du[1] = u[2]
    du[2] = β * (∇V_ode(t) * u[2] - 1.0)

function τ_bc!(res, u, p, t)
    res[1] = u[1][2];
    res[2] = u[end][1];

tspan = (a, b)

τ_bvp = BVProblem(τ_rhs!, τ_bc!, [1., 0.], tspan)
τ_soln = solve(τ_bvp, MIRK4(), dt = 0.05);

MFPT = τ_soln(x0[1])[1];
@show MFPT;

Defining the Mutation Step

In this example we use an Euler-Maruyama integrator with the recycling condition, with the BasicMD package:

using BasicMD
V(x) = SymmetricDoubleWell(x[1])
∇V! = (gradV, X) -> ForwardDiff.gradient!(gradV, V, X);
Δt = 1e-2;  # time step
Δt_recycle = 1e-2
nΔt_recycle = Int(Δt_recycle / Δt); # number of time steps before applying recycler
nΔt_coarse = 1 * nΔt_recycle # number of time steps in a coarse step

sampler = EM(∇V!, β, Δt);

mutation_opts = MDOptions(n_iters=nΔt_coarse, n_save_iters=nΔt_coarse);

function restartA!(state::BasicMD.EMState)
    if (state.x[1] > b)
        @. state.x = [x0]
        ∇V!(state.∇V, [x0])

constraints = Constraints(restartA!, trivial_constraint!, nΔt_recycle, nΔt_coarse);

mutation! = x -> sample_trajectory!(x, sampler,constraints, options=mutation_opts); nothing

Defining the Bins

Bins will be defined via Voronoi cells:

using WeightedEnsemble
Δb = 0.2
x_voronoi = [[x - 0.5 * Δb] for x in -1.5:Δb:0.5+Δb]
@show n_bins = length(x_voronoi);
B0, bin_id, rebin! = setup_Voronoi_bins(x_voronoi); nothing
n_bins = length(x_voronoi) = 12

Run WE with Uniform Selection

As we will see, uniform selection will be sufficient to obtain relatively high quality results:

using Random

n_particles = 10^3;
E0 = Ensemble([[x_] for x_ in LinRange(-1.5, 0.5, n_particles)])
rebin!(E0, B0, 0);

uni_we_sampler = WEsampler(mutation!, uniform_selection!, rebin!);

n_we_steps = 10^3;

E_uni_trajectory, B_uni_trajectory = run_we(E0, B0, uni_we_sampler, n_we_steps); nothing

First, we verify convergence to the target NESS distribution:

using Printf
hist_bins = LinRange(-2.0, 1.5, 41);

we_anim = @animate for (t, E) in enumerate(E_uni_trajectory)
    histogram([ξ_[1] for ξ_ in E.ξ], bins=hist_bins,
        weights=E.ω, norm=:pdf, alpha=0.5, label="Weighted Ensemble",
        yaxis=(:log10, [1e-6, 1e1]), legend=:topright)
    plot!(xx, ρ, lw=2, label="ODE")
    xlims!(-1.5, 1)
    title!(@sprintf("t = %d", t))
gif(we_anim, fps =30)
Example block output

Next, we take a look at our quantity of interest, the estimate of $\mathbb{P}_{\tilde{\nu}}(B)$. Using the Hill relation, this should correspond to an estimate of $\Delta t/\text{MFPT}$, the value we already computed by ODE methods:

using LinearAlgebra

f_uni_trajectory = zeros(n_we_steps);

fB = X -> Float64(X[1] > b); # define observable

for (j,E) in enumerate(E_uni_trajectory)
    f_uni_trajectory[j] = (E.ω ⋅ fB.(E.ξ));

plot(1:n_we_steps, f_uni_trajectory,  lw=2,yaxis=(:log10, [1e-8, :auto]),label="WE Est.")
plot!(1:n_we_steps, cumsum(f_uni_trajectory) ./(1:n_we_steps),lw=2, label="WE Time Avg.")
plot!(1:n_we_steps, Δt / MFPT * ones(n_we_steps),
    lw=2,label="Δt/MFPT", color=:black, ls=:dash)
Example block output

We have a good estimate after 500 iterations. Note that the MFPT of the original continuous time process is $\approx 25473$, but we simulated our WE process out to continuous time $10$ ($10^3$ WE steps with $\Delta t = 10^{-2}$).

Comparison with Direct Computation

As in the equilibrium case, an attempt to estimate the MFPT via the Hill relation, without using WE, will result in very poor results:

trivial_we_sampler = WEsampler(mutation!, (E, B, t)->trivial_selection!(E), rebin!);
f_direct_trajectory = run_we_observables(E0, B0, trivial_we_sampler, n_we_steps, (fB,))[:];

plot(1:n_we_steps, f_uni_trajectory,  lw=2,yaxis=(:log10, [1e-8, :auto]), label="WE Est.")
plot!(1:n_we_steps, cumsum(f_uni_trajectory) ./(1:n_we_steps),lw=2, label="WE Time Avg.")
plot!(1:n_we_steps, f_direct_trajectory, lw=2, label="Direct Est.")
plot!(1:n_we_steps, cumsum(f_direct_trajectory) ./(1:n_we_steps),lw=2, label="Direct Time Avg.")
plot!(1:n_we_steps, Δt / MFPT * ones(n_we_steps),
    lw=2,label="Δt/MFPT", color=:black, ls=:dash)
Example block output