Equilibrium Sampling

These exmaples involve sampling from an equilibirum Boltzmann type distribution of the sort commonly found in molecular dynamics and Bayesian inverse problems.

Doublewell Potential

As a first example, we will consider the classical double well potential,

\[V(x) = (x^2-1)^2\]

in dimension one, and its associated Boltzmann distribution,

\[\mu(dx) \propto e^{-\beta V(x)}dx.\]

For a sufficiently low temperature (large $\beta$), we expect the distribution to concentrate near ±1.

Consider the question of estimating $\mathbb{P}_\mu(A)$, where $A = (-\delta, \delta)$, is a set in the neighborhood of the saddle at the origin. At low temperature, this will be a rare event, $\mathbb{P}_\mu(A)\ll 1$. Indeed, even at β=10 and δ=0.1, we find:

using QuadGK
using TestLandscapes
β = 10.;
δ = 0.1;
f(x) = exp(-β*SymmetricDoubleWell(x))
Z = quadgk(f, -Inf, Inf)[1];
p = quadgk(f, -δ, δ)[1]/Z;
@show p;

While not the rarest of events, this will take a bit of effort to estimate with high confidence. This will be estimated using WE with the associated QoI, $1_A(x)$.

Defining the Mutation Step

We will explore this landscape using the MALA approximation of overdamped Langevin dyanmics; thus, we build up the mutation step:

using ForwardDiff
using BasicMD
V(x) = SymmetricDoubleWell(x[1])
∇V! = (gradV, X) -> ForwardDiff.gradient!(gradV, V, X);
Δt = 1e-2;  # time step
sampler = MALA(V, ∇V!, β, Δt);

nΔt = 10; # number of fine time steps per coarse WE step

# define the mutation mapping
opts = MDOptions(n_iters=nΔt);
mutation! = x -> sample_trajectory!(x, sampler, options=opts); nothing

Defining the Observable

We define our observable, the indicator function on the set $A$:

fA(x) = Float64(-δ<x[1]<δ); nothing

Defining the Bins

Next, we select a set of bins based on a Voronoi tesselation of the real line:

using WeightedEnsemble
voronoi_pts = [[x_] for x_ in LinRange(-1.5, 1.5, 13)];
B0, bin_id, rebin! = setup_Voronoi_bins(voronoi_pts); nothing

before defining the selection step, we will also set the number of particles, WE steps, and initialize an ensemble:

n_we_steps = 10^2;
n_particles = 10^3;

# the following is somwhat arbitrary, but it spreads particles through state space
E0 = Ensemble([[x_] for x_ in LinRange(-1., 1., n_particles)]);
rebin!(E0, B0, 0); nothing # ensure weights are properly tabulated

Uniform Selection

In the case that we use uniform selection, we proceed with:

uni_selection! = (E, B, t) -> uniform_selection!(E, B, t)
uni_we_sampler = WEsampler(mutation!, uni_selection!, rebin!); nothing

Next, we can run and examine our results:

using Statistics
using Random # for reproducbility
f_uni_trajectory = run_we_observables(E0, B0, uni_we_sampler, n_we_steps, (fA,))[:]
@show mean(f_uni_trajectory);

Visualizing our computation:

using Plots
using Printf
plot(1:n_we_steps, f_uni_trajectory , yaxis=(:log10, [1e-6, :auto]),lw=2,label="WE Est.")
plot!(1:n_we_steps, cumsum(f_uni_trajectory) ./ (1:n_we_steps),lw=2, label="WE Time Avg.")
plot!(1:n_we_steps, p * ones(n_we_steps),lw=2,ls=:dash,color=:black, label="Exact")
Example block output

This gives a fairly good estimate, and if we were to apply a burnin rule, discarding the first 25 over so iterates, the time average would be spot on, as shown by the following, naive, 95% confidence interval calculation.

using HypothesisTests
(1.3981309336159807e-5, 1.8785418910502648e-5)

Visualizing WE with Uniform Selection

To get a good sense of why WE works, we can animate the empirical distribution as a function of time:

E_uni_trajectory, _ = run_we(E0, B0, uni_we_sampler, n_we_steps);

xplt = LinRange(-1.5, 1.5,501);
hist_bins = LinRange(-1.5,1.5,31);

we_anim = @animate for (t, E) in enumerate(E_uni_trajectory)
    histogram([ξ_[1] for ξ_ in E.ξ], bins=hist_bins,
        weights=E.ω, norm=:pdf, alpha=0.5, label="Weighted Ensemble", legend=:top)
    histogram!([ξ_[1] for ξ_ in E.ξ], bins=hist_bins,
     norm=:pdf, alpha=0.5, label="Unweighted Ensemble")
    plot!(xplt, fA.(xplt), label="QoI",lw=2)
    plot!(xplt, f.(xplt)/Z,label="Analytic",lw=2)
    xlims!(-1.5, 1.5)
    title!(@sprintf("t = %d", t))
gif(we_anim, fps =6)
Example block output

In the above animation, the Weighted Ensemble histogram corresponds to the distribution

\[\sum_i \omega_t^{i} \delta_{\xi_t^{i}}\]

while the Unweighted Ensemble histogram corresponds to

\[\sum_i \tfrac{1}{N} \delta_{\xi_t^{i}}\]

This shows that WE's selection step makes an effort to keep particles in the support of the QoI, and by weighting these particles properly, we sample the correct distribution.

Comparison of Uniform WE with Direct Computation

One might ask how it fares against having used the same amount of resources on the problem directly:

trivial_we_sampler = WEsampler(mutation!, (E, B, t)->trivial_selection!(E), rebin!);
f_direct_trajectory = run_we_observables(E0, B0, trivial_we_sampler, n_we_steps, (fA,))[:];

plot(1:n_we_steps, f_uni_trajectory ,yaxis=(:log10, [1e-6, :auto]),lw=2,label="WE Est.")
plot!(1:n_we_steps, cumsum(f_uni_trajectory) ./ (1:n_we_steps),lw=2, label="WE Time Avg.")
plot!(1:n_we_steps, f_direct_trajectory , yscale=:log10,lw=2,label="Direct Est.")
plot!(1:n_we_steps, cumsum(f_direct_trajectory) ./ (1:n_we_steps),lw=2, label="Direct Time Avg.")
plot!(1:n_we_steps, p * ones(n_we_steps),lw=2,ls=:dash,color=:black, label="Exact")
Example block output

The direct computation, which involves using n_particles independent trials, each run for n_we_steps struggles to estimate the QoI. Indeed, the reason the line labeled Direct Est. appears to stop is because it is returning zeros which are not showing up on the logarithmic scale.

Optimal Selection

To perform Optimal Selection, in the spirit of [3], we must first approximate

\[v^2(x) = \mathrm{Var}_{K(x,\bullet)}(h)\]

where $K$ is our Markov transition kernel, and $h$ is the solution of the Poisson problem

\[(I - K)h = f - \mu(f)\]

An approximation is found by first estimating coarse, bin scale, transition, matrix $\tilde{K}$, where

\[\tilde{K}_{pq} \approx \mathbb{P}(p\to q),\]

the probability of a particle starting in bin $p$ transitioning to bin $q$. Left unsaid is what hte initial distribution is for the particles; in practice, we often use a Dirac (centered at the Voronoi cell center). This matrix is estimated using our coarse model tools (see Coarse Models):

x0_vals = deepcopy(voronoi_pts); # Dirac at the bin
n_bins = length(B0);
n_samples_per_bin = 10^3;

K̃ = WeightedEnsemble.build_coarse_transition_matrix(mutation!, bin_id,
    x0_vals, n_bins, n_samples_per_bin);
13×13 SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64} with 52 stored entries:
  ⋅   0.566  0.432  0.002   ⋅      ⋅     …   ⋅      ⋅      ⋅      ⋅      ⋅ 
  ⋅   0.3    0.674  0.026   ⋅      ⋅         ⋅      ⋅      ⋅      ⋅      ⋅ 
  ⋅   0.091  0.789  0.12    ⋅      ⋅         ⋅      ⋅      ⋅      ⋅      ⋅ 
  ⋅   0.011  0.476  0.482  0.031   ⋅         ⋅      ⋅      ⋅      ⋅      ⋅ 
  ⋅    ⋅     0.05   0.532  0.383  0.035      ⋅      ⋅      ⋅      ⋅      ⋅ 
  ⋅    ⋅     0.002  0.035  0.409  0.471  …   ⋅      ⋅      ⋅      ⋅      ⋅ 
  ⋅    ⋅      ⋅      ⋅     0.018  0.231     0.011   ⋅      ⋅      ⋅      ⋅ 
  ⋅    ⋅      ⋅      ⋅      ⋅     0.002     0.414  0.052  0.002   ⋅      ⋅ 
  ⋅    ⋅      ⋅      ⋅      ⋅      ⋅        0.415  0.527  0.031   ⋅      ⋅ 
  ⋅    ⋅      ⋅      ⋅      ⋅      ⋅        0.032  0.517  0.446  0.005   ⋅ 
  ⋅    ⋅      ⋅      ⋅      ⋅      ⋅     …   ⋅     0.113  0.801  0.086   ⋅ 
  ⋅    ⋅      ⋅      ⋅      ⋅      ⋅         ⋅     0.01   0.656  0.334   ⋅ 
  ⋅    ⋅      ⋅      ⋅      ⋅      ⋅         ⋅     0.001  0.412  0.586  0.001

Having constructed this, we now obtain the coarse, bin scale, approximation of $v^2$. This requires us to first construct a bin function approximation of the observable, then compose it with the bin identification function, $\tilde{f}_A$.

f̃A = fA.(voronoi_pts); # bin function for
h̃, ṽ² = WeightedEnsemble.build_coarse_poisson(K̃, f̃A);
v² = (x, t) -> ṽ²[bin_id(x)]; nothing

We are now ready to run the optimized sampler:

optimal! = (E, B, t) -> optimal_selection!(E, B, v², t);
opt_we_sampler = WEsampler(mutation!, optimal!, rebin!);
f_opt_trajectory = run_we_observables(E0, B0, opt_we_sampler, n_we_steps, (fA,))[:];

plot(1:n_we_steps, f_uni_trajectory ,yaxis=(:log10, [1e-6, :auto]),lw=2,label="WE Est.")
plot!(1:n_we_steps, cumsum(f_uni_trajectory) ./ (1:n_we_steps),lw=2, label="WE Time Avg.")
plot!(1:n_we_steps, f_opt_trajectory , yscale=:log10,lw=2,label="Optimal WE Est.")
plot!(1:n_we_steps, cumsum(f_opt_trajectory) ./ (1:n_we_steps),lw=2, label="Optimal WE Time Avg.")
plot!(1:n_we_steps, p * ones(n_we_steps),lw=2,ls=:dash,color=:black, label="Exact")
Example block output

The difference in this example is neglible to the eye, though when we check the variance (after burnin), we do see an improvement:


More substantial improvements can be found in other problems, such as those shown in [1].