String Method

Recall that in the string method, one seeks to find a mapping function

\[ \varphi(\alpha):[0,1]\to \mathbb{R}^d, \quad \varphi(0)= x_-, \quad \varphi(1) = x_+,\]

where $x_\pm$ are initial and terminal points which often (but not always) correspond to local minima on the energy landscape. While many such $\varphi$ are possible, the string method identifies a minimum energy path accomplishing this transition. Here, we implement the (simplified and improved) string method, as described in E, Ren, and Vanden-Eijnden (2007).

Initialize String

To apply the string method, we must first initialize the string, which is to say, specifcy sequence of images joining two (approximate) minima must be given. $\{varphi^{(i)}\}$, where $\varphi^{(i)} \approx \varphi(\alpha_i)$. This is anticipated to be a structure of the type Vector{Vector{Float64}} where the interior Vector{Float64} structure reflect the points residing in $\mathbb{R}^d$.

A convenience function is provided that constructs a linear interpolant,


linear_string(x₀, x₁, n_images) - Construct the linear interpolant string between x₀ and x₁ with a given number of images (inclusive).


  • x₀ - Initial image on the string
  • x₁ - Final image on the string
  • n_images - Total number of images on the string, including x₀ and x₁

An example of running such a code is:

using StringMethod

x_init = [1.5, -0.5];
x_final = [-0.5, 1.0];
n_images = 11;

U = linear_string(x_init, x_final, n_images)
11-element Vector{Vector{Float64}}:
 [1.5, -0.5]
 [1.3, -0.35]
 [1.1, -0.2]
 [0.8999999999999998, -0.04999999999999999]
 [0.7, 0.10000000000000003]
 [0.5, 0.25]
 [0.3000000000000001, 0.39999999999999997]
 [0.10000000000000009, 0.5499999999999999]
 [-0.10000000000000009, 0.7000000000000001]
 [-0.30000000000000004, 0.8500000000000001]
 [-0.5, 1.0]

Construct String Method Solver

There are several ingredients that go into running the string method:

  • Time stepping scheme and Δt, the time step
  • The reparamertization scheme
  • A distance function used by the reparameterization and also for checking convergence

These are invoked with the structure:


SimplifiedString(∇V, integrate!, reparameterize!, dist, Δt) - Set up the simplified string method data structure


  • ∇V - Gradient of the potential
  • integrate! - Integrator for ẋ = - ∇V(x)
  • reparameterize! - Choice of reparametrization
  • dist - Distance function used in reparametrization and convergence testing
  • pin - Boolean for pinning the endpoints of the string
  • Δt - Time step for the integrator

Time Stepping

Time stepping is handled by the in place integrate!(x, ∇V, Δt) which advances the ODE $\dot{x} = -\nabla V(x)$ by time $\Delta t$. There are two built in options, though others can be added:


stepEuler!(u, ∇V, Δt): Perform an in place Euler step


  • u - Initial state
  • ∇V - Gradient of energy
  • Δt - Time step

stepRK4!(u, ∇V, Δt): Perform an in place RK4 step


  • u - Initial state
  • ∇V - Gradient of energy
  • Δt - Time step

Reparametrization and Distance

The string is reparamertrized with reparameterize!(U, dist, pin). This maps the current set of images $\{\varphi^{(i)}_\ast\}$ to a new set $\{\varphi^{(i)}\}$ such that, with respect to the dist function, the images are uniformly distributed, i.e., after the function is applied

\[\mathrm{dist}(\varphi^{(i)}, \varphi^{(i+1)}) = \text{Constant in $i$}\]

Currently, the only version implemented makes use of cubic splines as part of the Dierckx package:

The boolean pin argument refers to whether the initial and final images on the string should be treated as pinned (true) or not (false).

The distnace function, dist(x,y) should be suitable for the problem.

Set Solver Options

In addition to the string method options, we also have the numerical options associated with the number of iterations to perform, stopping tolerance, etc. These are set by constructing:


StringOptions(;nmax = 10^3, tol = 1e-6, verbose = false, save_trajectory = true, print_iters = 10^3) - Set string method solver options


  • nmax = 10^3 - maximum number of solver iterations
  • tol = 1e-6 - stopping tolerance
  • verbose = false - print diagnostic and convergence information
  • save_trajectory = true - save the entire string at each algorithmic step
  • print_iters = 10^3 - print diagonstic information at this frequency


Having set everything, we execute


simplified_string - Run the simplified string method for an energy landscape set up with the SimplifiedString data structure. This can return the entire string evolution.


  • U - Initial string
  • S - Simplified string data structureOptional Fields
  • options - String method options


The following example applies the string method to the Muller (sometimes Muller-Brown) potential, a 2D energy landscape often used to demonstrate algorithms. Muller-Brown is coded in the TestLandscapes.jl package.

using Test
using LinearAlgebra
using StringMethod
using TestLandscapes
using ForwardDiff
using Printf
using Plots

# set potential and get its gradient
V = x -> Muller(x);
∇V = x -> ForwardDiff.gradient(V, x);

U0 = linear_string([0, -0.25], [0, 1.5], 15)

Δt = 1e-4;
dist = (u, v) -> norm(u - v, 2);
pin = false;

string = SimplifiedString(∇V, stepRK4!, spline_reparametrize!, dist, pin, Δt);
opts = StringOptions(verbose=false, save_trajectory=true)

# solve
U_trajectory = simplified_string(U0, string, options=opts);

# visualize
xx =LinRange(-1.5, 1.5,150);
yy = LinRange(-0.5, 2.0,150);
V_vals = [V([x,y]) for y in yy, x in xx];

anim =@animate for i in 1:10:length(U_trajectory)
    plt = contour(xx,yy,min.(V_vals,500),
        levels = LinRange(-150,500,50),color=:viridis,colorbar_title="V")
    scatter!(plt, [x_[1] for x_ in U_trajectory[i]],
        [x_[2] for x_ in U_trajectory[i]],color=:red, label="String")

    title!(plt, @sprintf("Iteration %d", i-1))
gif(anim, fps=15)
Example block output